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Your Voice Matters

“Your Voice Matters” is a project of the Las Arribes del Duero Youth Association, framed in Key Action 3: ” Structured Dialogue: meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth”, within the Erasmus + program.
The main objective is to articulate a platform for democratic participation among European rural youth, youth experts and decision-makers, to improve the conditions of rural youth, through a reflective dialogue that contributes to implementing innovative public policies, that integrate the youth interests and the peculiarities of the territory.
The project lasts 12 months, for the period from February 2018 to January 2019.

We believe in the potential of youth to contribute to the development of the Territory and address problems such as injustice in the rural community should be an impetus for local, regional and national Governments to promote participation of youth in society.



This project seeks to promote a space of structured dialogue and critical thinking, among European rural youngsters from peripheral border areas far from the major cities, with the aim of hearing and uniting their voices and concerns that affect their present and future life.

In order to ensure their voices reach the decision-makers and to be able to include their proposals in their government plans, offering answers to their problems.

The needs that this project intends to address derive from the current economic crisis, in the youth field.

Throughout this “European Meeting of Civic Reflection in the Rural World,” rural youngsters from different countries concerned about their future and the future of their people, will share experiences with other groups of peers and will make known their needs and expectations, trying to take a wider look at the possibilities in their territory.

This will allow them, to a large extent, to request their representatives a shared management of the political life of their municipalities.

This European project promoted by Arribes del Duero Youth Association, counts with the participation of the following partners:



Disadvantaged young people aged between 18 and 30, with fewer social, educational and employment opportunities, derived from the geographical location in the European rural territory. To which we must add, young people with a proactive attitude, with a desire to be heard and to express their pretensions and concerns to their political representatives.

Youth experts (local development agents, youth representatives, cultural agents, businessmen, union representatives, etc.), decision-makers (mayors, councillors, senators …); and group leaders who will actively collaborate in this project.


If you are interested in participating, meet all the requirements and belong to any of the participating entities, do not forget to let us know your motivations, interests and training or work pretensions in the fields of teh Project!